
  • CAIM statement: Public Inquiry into Sperrins mining application suspended

    The public inquiry into the application for a gold mine by Dalradian Gold in the Sperrin Mountains, County Tyrone, was suspended on the 15th January 2025 due to failure to notify the Irish government and lack of proper transboundary consultation. The process to date has been littered with breaches of planning and environmental law including…

  • CAIM at Climate Camp 2023

    CAIM hosted a very well-attended workshop at Climate Camp in Leitrim, August 2023. Representatives of several member groups spoke at it, and 80+ strong audience asked a number of engaging questions. CAIM member Treasure Leitrim, co-host of the Climate Camp, also hosted a workshop on gold mining in Ireland. CAIM members and people in attendance were…

  • Making Relatives Solidarity Visit

    CAIM was involved with Making Relatives, a solidarity visit to Ireland of Indigenous communities from North America affected by extractivism. Lakota Water Protectors. organisers from Standing Rock, were in Ireland in May 2023. They visited Leitrim, the Sperrins and Belfast.  You can read about the powerful event in Leitrim here. Water Walk elder Sharon Day…

  • Right to Say No event

    CAIM member V’cenza Cirefice travelled to Antwerp in Belgium in December 2022 to take part in an event organised by CATAPA, an anti-extractivist network based between the Andes and Belgium. The event focused on communities’ “right to say no” with speakers from Ireland, Belgium, Ecuador and Brazil. The international group in attendance sent messages of…

  • CAIM at the Rosa Luxemburg Summer School

    CAIM members presented at the Rosa Luxemburg Summer School which was held in Fermanagh in June 2022. Activists, trade unionists and politicians from across Europe gathered for three days focusing on securing a socialist Green New Deal. A session on resisting extractivism was held with presentations around resistance to mining in Ireland, Serbia and Czech…